Vol. 10 No. 1 (2018): Journal of Engineering & Processing Management

					View Vol. 10 No. 1 (2018): Journal of Engineering & Processing Management

It's time to celebrate! This issue marks the beginning of Volume 10 of the Journal of Engineering & Processing Management. From this year on the journal will be published semiannually. This is the first issue of volume 10, and in six articles issue covers a broad range of topics in which we hope you will find interesting reading material. 

It is our great pleasure to inform you that the Editorial Board of the Journal of Engineering & Processing Management was renewed in February 2018. We take this opportunity to deeply thank Prof. Miladin Gligorić and Prof. Mitar Perušić for their key roles in the creation and development of the Journal of Engineering & Processing Management. We also want to welcome all new members of the editorial staff, especially Prof. Viktor Nedović, Dr. Srećko Stopić and Dr. Dragan Vujadinović in their commitment as section editors.

Published: 2018-07-11

Original scientific paper

Professional paper